21 Nov University of Vigo presents UNCOVER project at “Expo Fair”
The University of Vigo is a public university located in Galicia (northwest of Spain), and a partner of the UNCOVER project, participated on March 18, 2022 in the “Expo Fair”. It is an open-house event, where the research group from UNCOVER showed part of the Research and Development activities.
Other active research projects were present at the event and were briefly described for public school students and the general public in Vigo.
Details of the event were shown in UVIGO’s Twitter posts.
You can access the invitation here: https://twitter.com/UCC_UVigo/status/1504774616551731233
And here are photos of the event: https://twitter.com/atlanTTic_uvigo/status/1504873909027491846
Author: Francine Martin (SYNYO)